Syllabus for Uchcha Madhyamic Paper II STET 2023


Subject- -History (100 Marks)

Unit-01 The Harappan civilization

a. Geographical extent and Important sites.

b. Town-Planning and structures; Society, Economy, Religion. Decline of the Harappan culture.

Unit-02 The Mauryan Age:

a. Achievements of Chandragupta maurya.

b. Asoka's foreign policy and dharma (Dhamma).

c. Mauryan society, economy and Art.

d. Administration.

e. Decline and disintegration.

Unit-03 Renaissance

a. Causes

b. Stages

c. Nature

d. Impact

Unit-04 Industrial Revolution.

a. Causes

b. Impact.

Unit-05 Harshavardhan.

a. Sources

b. Conquests and Extent of Empire. 

c. Administration

Unit-06 The Cholas

a.Career and achievements of Raj Raj and Rajendra Chola.

b. Local administration 

c. Maritime activities.

Unit-07 The French Revolution of 1789

a. Causes, Nature, Significance

b. Achievements of the National Assembly

c. Reign of Terror

Unit-08 Second World War.

a. Causes

b. Impact

Unit-09 Establishment of the Delhi Sultanate(1206-90) with special reference to


b. Balban

Unit-10 Akhbar

a. Restoration and expansion of the Mughal Empire

b. Relations with the Rajputs

c.Religious policy

d. Akbar as a 'National Monarch'

Unit-11 Battles of Plassy and Buxar

a. Circumstances.

b. Causes

c. Significance.

Unit-12 Revolt of 1857

a. Causes

b. Nature

c. Effects.


a. Origin of the Indian National Congress.

b. Early nationalist movements-Moderator extremists revolution.


a. Non-Cooperation Movement- Causes and Effects.

b. The Swarajists

c. Civil Disobedience Movement-Causes and Effects.

d. Communalism..


a.Independence and Partition-Cabinet Mission Proposals and Indian Independence Act.

b. Nationalist movement and the Princely states.

Syllabus for Art of Teaching and Other Skills STET 2023

Unit II Art of Teaching, Other skills

(A) Art of Teaching (Marks 30)

(B) Other skills (Marks 20)

A.Art of Teaching

1. Teaching & Learning:- Meaning, Process & Characteristics.  

2. Teaching Objectives and Instructional objectives: Meaning & Types, Blooms Taxonomy.

3. Teaching Methods: Types and its Characteristics, Merit, and demerits of Methods.

4. Lesson Plan: Types and Format & Various Model.

5. Microteaching & Instructional analysis.

6. Effective ecosystem of Classroom.

7. Textbook and library

8. Qualities of Teacher.

9. Evaluation & Assessment for learning.

10. Curriculum.

11. Factors affecting teaching and learning.

12. Teaching Aids and Hands on learning.

B. Other skills

1. General Knowledge,

2. Environmental Science

3. Mathematical aptitude,

4.logical Reasoning

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